
Dynaudio Unheard Smukfest '18: DJ Static & Jøden

September 11, 2018 2018, interview, smukfest, unheard
Famous Danish artists DJ Static and Jøden, flanked by a slew of talented musicians, started with a pre-recorded basic backing track and then spent the next couple of hours weaving an intricate tapestry of live drums, Hammond organ, rapping, more rapping, singing, beats and stacked vocals.

Recording and layering the parts individually showed just how important it is for the producer to plan, anticipate and form a rapport with the artists.

But this session wasn’t about merely laying down a series of tracks, ticking them off a list and moving on to the next. The creative machinery was whirring nicely, with performances honed, parts refined and reworked, and takes listened to and critiqued – all with a constant dialogue between studio and control-room.

What had started in the morning with a music seed ended at lunchtime in a full, turned-up-to-eleven bombastic funk-rap track. And a very satisfied audience.

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